Notices -

Wednesday 11th of September, 2024

Meeting / Practices Location When Staff
Notices Staff
General International Students MDI
  Can Misaki, Honami, Yuta, Kodai and Yuichirou can you please come to Megans office 1st break today

Thank you

General Literacy & Numeracy Testing RSc
  Students sitting Literacy and Numeracy Testing need to be in the right place at the right time:
Reading Testing - 8.45am Thursday 12 September - P1&2 - All Year 10s to the Hall, Year 11,12,13 to B1, SACs to the Library
Writing Test - 11.20am Thursday 12 September - P3&4 - All Year 10s to the Hall, Year 11,12,13 to B1, SACs to the Library

Numeracy Testing - 8.45am Friday 13 September - P1&P2 - All Year 10 Aotea, Year 10 Arawa, Year 10 Whanau to the Hall, All SAC students to the Library
11.20am Friday 13 September - P3&P4 - All Year 10 Tainui, Year 10 Tokomaru, Years 11, 12 and 13 to the Hall.

General Literacy Numeracy Testing - Check Logins RSc
  You must bring your charged chrome book or device.
You must check your NZQA log in works BEFORE you sit the test.
See Ms Scott if you are not sure if you're entered, or if you have problems with your login.

General NCEA Practice Exams RSc
  NCEA Practice Exams are during Week 9 - Monday 16 September to Friday 20 September.
Copies of the exam timetable are in Reception and the Library.
Students are only expected at school to sit their exams or attend prearranged study sessions.

General NCEA Students & Extensions RSc
  Greetings Students - This is a message for seniors sitting NCEA assessments.
Should you find yourself absent or unable to continue with your NCEA assessments at present, we can help you complete these at another time. Talk to your teacher or to Ms Scott. Your well being is a priority over NCEA.

General Talent Quest BPa
  The 2024 Te Aroha College Talent Quest is happening on Wednesday 25th September at 6:30pm. If you want to enter, please see me (Miss Park) before the end of this week. I will be in my class (D4) at the beginning of each break time. There may be auditions if there are lots of entries. You can enter as an individual or as a group act.

Sport Volleyball WST
  First games for in the Volleyball Competition are tonight after school - teams and draw is on Mr Stringers Window