Notices -

Friday 4th of August, 2023

Meeting / Practices Location When Staff
Notices Staff
General Ball Bin SDA
  There will be a ball bin available for students during lunchtime, break 2. The ball bin will be over by the sports shed. If you use a ball then you are to return it to the ball bin at the end of lunchtime. Thank you. Jayden.

General External NCEA Exams RSc
  External exam entries have now been made. Students must check with their teacher which exams they have been entered into.
If you are entered into external exams you must attend. Do not enter "just in case" as you cannot change your mind later on.
See Ms Scott with any queries.

General Kapa Haka AML
  The next Kapa Haka session is Monday 7th Akuhata during 2B.

General Netball Junior Development AML
  All players in the Junior Development Netball Team, please return your FULL playing uniform washed and in a bag with your name on it.

General TAC Talent Quest BPa
  After several years of hiatus, the Te Aroha College Talent Quest is back!!
Save the date in your calendars - Wednesday 23rd August. It will be a night to remember.
If you are interested in entering, see Miss Park to register before the 14th of August.

General Travellers Year 9 CSC
  Can all Year 9s participating in Travellers go to the Library after Form Class.

General Year 12 P.E Event PAI
  On Tuesday 8th august out the front of the pavilion the 3 legged sack attack will be on where there will be both a three legged race and sack race with 3 age groups consisting of junior (9&10), senior (11,12,13) and teachers. This will be held during break 2. There will be participation prizes for everyone as well as larger prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd. Come out, bring a friend and give it a go.

Event run by Jess, Maren, Shelby and Ivy

General Year 9 - Travellers Programme SDX
  Please can all year 9s who are participating in the Travellers Programme come to the library after form class

Sport Badminton RWI
  Thames Valley Junior Badminton Champs are being held on the 12th September at Thames High School. If you are interested in entering please email Mrs Williams on [email protected]

Sport Volleyball this term WST
  Volleyball this term:
1. If you want to get some Referee qualifications (or understand the rules better) - Tuesdays Break 2 in D6 for referees course
2. Wednesdays afterschool until 4:45 iin the Gym - Junior (Year 9 and 10) Volleyball training - if you are wanting to go to the Junior Champs at the end of the year you need to attend
3. Thursdays 6 until 7:30 in the Gym Volleyball Academy open to anyone